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Old 02-05-2012, 11:41 AM   #5
Arial Type
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Vohaul Strikes Back was OK, but felt more like a LucasArts fangame. I'm currently playing Incinerations, and my, what a game! RockPaperShotgun summed it nicely: a true space opera with a complex story, global space battles, good character development and some touching moments. And it remains true to the Space Quest franchise: all puzzles have a very "Sierra" feel about them, and the humour is just as good as in SQ 4-5.

Actually, I think it's even better, because, unlike official series, it does not rely heavily on parodies. It is just funny on its own. Piles of garbage that Roger is obsessed with, a "revenge" on a stupid droid that lost his luggage, a computer system that chases him throughout the game, his new friend - a funky battle droid... The gameworld is just so reach and fun. I guess that's how SQ 7 might've looked if it ever happened.

I still have to finish it, but it's already one of my favourite AGS games, just there with 5 Days a Stranger and A Tale of Two Kingdoms. Simply brilliant!
Give Simon 3D a chance!
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