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Old 01-14-2012, 10:40 AM   #17
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Posts: 48

I always found opening the game on a quick, narrow puzzle is usually the best way to familiarize the player with the game-play, location, characters and story.

Opening on an open-world (i.e. Simon the Sorcerer) can be a little overwhelming to newer gamers. SOMI handled this slightly well by putting the SCUMM bar right there in front of you as you start the game, while offering you the choice to just carry on without talking to the pirate elders.

Personally, I prefer COMI's method because those scenes with Wally and the cannon are instant classics. A good, narrow opening has the potential to make a better first impression on the gamer. And a good open-world network of puzzles is like going up to the next level.
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