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Old 12-30-2011, 03:54 PM   #1
Lives in a shed.
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Default Guess the game from the Amazon review!

How about a game where you try to guess a game from a vaguely written review? The poorer and more misleading the writing, the better. I'll start us off with this corker:

"This game has got to be the best RPG ever made on the PC. Its funny, Big, Easy and cheap. What more can you want in a game. (What more can you want in a Woman he he) You start of as a dead guy (yes a dead guy) with a huge forhead and he looks like he's got eliphantitis and you have to sell preimium transportation to people to the other side. Its a little complicated but you understand it as you go along. You find that all of the people you get coming to you have lost all their money to buy premium transport and it starts from there. Great game. Weeks of entertainment."
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