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Old 12-07-2011, 08:45 AM   #13
Mad Manny
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 30

What would a romance game actually be like tho?

IMO what most of you are recommending is just regular games with either romance side-plots or romance character motivation, for example just because Stallone's motivation in 'The Expendables' is to rescue a woman I would hardly count that as a romance movie.

The best way I could think of seperating the two would be like this: (and for anyone who ACTUALLY reads romance novels, please do correct me)

Just a Romantic Adventure/Action/Whatever:Tho it has romantic themes (scenes, character-motivation etc) the focus of the story is about one central conflict (even if that conflict is to save your love).

Actual Romance story: The romance is greater than any one conflict, the largest external conflict is usually just something thrown in towards the end as a final spice to the story,
For example the story could be about a woman who get a job at a radio-station and through-out her first couple of weeks of working there's constant romantic tension between her and her boss (whether they are talking over the water-cooler, partnered up on assignments or meeting up after work) and only at the end of the story does she get kidnapped or whatever, but all that flirting prior to the kidnapping wasn't just set-up to make the kidnapping stronger; it was actual meat of the story!

As for how to make THAT into a adventure-game: I have no idea! would be nice to see someone attempt it tho.
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