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Old 11-13-2011, 07:30 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by aimless View Post
Hey, no sweat, I get steamed up, too. Yes, it was GK1, the part where
Gabriel leaves Schloss Ritter and hares off to Africa to find his uncle in that mound where what's-her-name is buried.
Thinking about it, they weren't zombies coming out of walls...maybe clay figures that came to life, a la the old Flash Gordon series. (Boy, does that date me. Uh...I watched a lot of ancient serials in my younger days.) Anyway, they were after Gabriel's hide and got it more than a few times when I played that puzzle.
They were mummies, not zombies. Do some research, the history of zombies come from africa, specifically south africa. But the main practice came from the Hatians through Vodou.

To learn that your original comment was to say it was unrealistic was ignorant, yet I had to come in here and ruin it by saying they were reanimated mummies. -_-

Why was GK1 better than BS1? It didn't fall for the whole generic christian, biblicial, known world religious mysteries. Funny since the real religious part of Gabriel Knight came around GK3.

Not saying I don't love me a good templar story. I just would take a more exotic and epic story over one that resembles too much of what we know. Well at least I know, being of templar blood.
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