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Old 10-02-2011, 06:14 AM   #18
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 222

okay, in chapter 11 i think.

got my id off burns flipper (i love him)

and currently wondering what the hell im supposed to do, tried every item on every hotspot within the four new areas.

station with the broken pizza machine and clothes shop, the tube hall with the woman at the desk, the rooftop with the cop after you go on the shuttle, and of course jerry!

i have:

iron coin
bind potion
talisman of the balance
blue dragon eye
white dragons eye
map of the stars
disc of the balance
Fake ID

okay i have a feeling that pizza machine will be a big help getting rid of someone in April's way, but i cant figure out how to get one

basically again can you give a very very small hint and confirm i have the items i need? am i on the right track with the pizza machine? or is that just another machine thats not supposed to work like in aprils house (i doubt it)
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