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Old 06-06-2011, 04:25 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Oscar View Post
I still can't see what the political issue is.

Scientific yes, but where's the politics? Are there people playing Ecoquest or New Beginning who actually think that polluting our world won't have harmful effects? I would be surprised if those people were intelligent enough to figure out how to turn their computers on
Ah! But politic's everywhere! It's not the question on polluting but of how u're going to resolve the issue that matters! I'm just kidding here btw...also because more than politic, is economic the element that dictates trands....which in return brings us to the game production and the effects of those subliminal agenda on us, fragile palyers...if the devs have loads of money to create a game with amazing design does that mean that the brainwashing is more effective?!

Let's move on!!! Really....
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