Thread: Grey Matter
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Old 04-29-2011, 11:05 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: UK
Posts: 58
Default Grey Matter

Just finished playing and i was really disappointed. I feel like i had been waiting for it to be released forever and there just isn't anything to it.

No puzzles, no inventory based puzzles - just walking between locations and clicking on the right thing to interact with.

Lot and lots and lots of loading screens.

The story was ok, but i'd guessed the ending by half way through and what really bugs me is that there was something about the ending that was implied by the names of the chaper sections but never actually came to fruition.

There were also so many loose endings - i have about a hundred "why"s going through my head.

3/10 and those points are for how the game looked and the story being ok.
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