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Old 04-20-2011, 03:18 AM   #153
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 153


The hologram recordings hold information that you will need to break into a medical srotage unit, to get access to a bone saw, to.....well...ill leave it at that.
Im just going to take that as a compliment about my voice!

Ive added in some juices and stuff to the newly revised scene...


Thanks for taking the time to check on STASIS. There is more to come, so stay tuned.


Thanks for the compliments man, Knowing people are creeped out by this means Im doing somehting right.
If you have a weekend spare, load up DeadSpace, put on some headphones, and enjoy the ride! It really is a masterpiece of a game.


If you can play any of the previous recent AG's, you should have no problem playing STASIS. Im being very careful with the memory management of the game, to make certain it runs on as many machines as possible.
Its using the same engine as A WHISPERED WORLD, so if that game ran fine, so will STASIS. The game doesnt have any 3D graphics in it, and apart from the dust particles, no massively complex special effects.

Lee in Limbo,

Thanks man.


Here is the new medical bay, remodeled through suggestions from the community.

In motion(ish)

And a link to the blog post which goes into a little more detail about the whats and whys.
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