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Old 03-21-2011, 02:10 PM   #15
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Oh Kate(can I call you Kate?)I didn't mean the "ancient game" as something bad,in fact I meant it as something legendary.Well that doesn't apply to all cases but in the case of Kyrandia heck yeah.I think it is legendary.

Return to the mysterious island is that adventure game with a female hero?Because if that's it,then I can get it in a small price.There's a DVD club here that sells used games for 10 euro per 3 games.That's how I got Scratches,Jack Keane,Broken Sword 1 and 2,Darkness Within,Silent Hill 2 and 4....and a bunch of other games.Lol!

Yeah I was thinking of getting it but the first person view was kind of bothering me.Although I did start playing Scratches(and I like it)so I might as well give that a try but is it good enough?

As for Secret Files 2....HECK yeah!As soon as I can find it,I'll get it because I'm playing Secret Files: Tunguska now and I love it.
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