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Old 12-28-2010, 03:05 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 5
Default A Message For King William (Mac)

I made this really simple adventure game for Mac using "GameMaker" which later became "SilverCreator" (they both work sort of like HyperCard).

I started the game in 2007 (i think) and forgot about it. Then i recently found it and thought i should just finish the thing.

The artwork is crude because all i had was a laptop trackpad to draw with when i started (although, admittedly, i sort of like the crudeness).

Let me know if you find any bugs, or if the gameplay is obnoxious. I'm not a programmer, so i kept things very simple for the most part. But i tried to make sure it had a little more interactivity than, say, an illustrated choose-your-own-adventure.

Okay! Enough talk!

You can download it here:

(PS - let me know if i'm doing anything against the rules by posting links or whatever. i'm not yet well versed in message board etiquette.)
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