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Old 09-24-2010, 03:03 AM   #890
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Originally Posted by tsa View Post
The I don't agree with your remark that because the circumstances for both games were different the DNF thing is a bit dumb. In the end both games still haven't been released. That doesn't make the DNF thing not a bit dumb (of course it is dumb, it's, like, 14-year-old talk) but it's a nice way to vent frustration.
Well, I'm ot entirely familiar with all the things that happened with DNF. However, as far as I know, I think that there was a point, in the beginning (of GM), when they were rather similar in that they were changing developers, redoing everything and so on. But as far as I understand, the thing with DNF is that it's (or was) always way off-budget, has illusions(and hype) of grandeur, constantly goes trough engine changes because they want to have the latest and so on, whereas GM went through that huge change when they switched to the current developers (and so on) butright now is pretty much finished and is being delayed (or just announced too early) by an inadequate PR department and actually finishing the product. I understand where you're coming from, but I just kinda snapped yesterday I feel it's an adequate comparison at best, and one tat shouldn't be viewed as a corresponding situation but rather as an optimistic comparison, like "Well, it's bad but it's not yet quite DNF bad"

So yes, there are similarities, but I guess that the differences are also there and I just got tired of it for a while And I do understand the venting I guess I did a little bit of my own there...

This game has been delayed so long, there isn't anything constructive to say anymore. No wonder this thread has turned into a moaning place.
That's very true.
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