Thread: Amnesia
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Old 09-20-2010, 09:21 PM   #30
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 8

I don't scare easy, but the first half of this game is pretty intense. It's brilliantly designed, with great use of lighting and atmosphere. Plus, I like the fact that it's set in the early 19th century, yet they don't make a big deal of it.


-The graphics obviously suck although they get the job done. I know that they are an indie outfit and the engine only had one programmer so it's hard to fault them for this, but even with all the bells and whistles turned on this still looks like the first "Unreal" engine to me (or the original "Thief" engine). It'd be cool to see what these guys could come up with if they had several million dollars and a cutting edge engine, as they are obviously much better at game design than they are at programming.

-There's like no puzzles. I actually don't have a big problem with this, as the puzzles that are there are really integrated well into the game. But if you are expecting an oldschool adventure game, as opposed to a well crafted mood piece (which is what this is), then don't bother.

It's still a great game, though. Especially for only 20 dollars. And as I said, it's by far the scariest game I've ever played--and I don't scare easily. It probably works best, though, if you know absolutely nothing about the game. I didn't know going in that there even were monsters, so the first encounter with the freaky emaciated white thing was horrifying (I actually gasped involuntarily).

You should all buy it now if you haven't. I'm hoping it sells tons of copies so the creators will have the money to do the same thing again, only with better graphics.
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