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Old 09-11-2010, 07:22 AM   #59
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Ok just finished chapter two so I am now more and less caught up so here is my take on everything so far:

The interface is very very different from anything I've used before and at first I struggled with the movement and interacting of characters/items however I soon got used to it. But as previously stated I think this really added something to the game play as it was new and different and somewhat unsettling just like the game and setting itself. I do like how once you have used an item it disappears from your inventory so you don't end up cluttered with useless items which I have found irritating in many of the adventure games I have played in the past.

I think the voice acting fits in very well with the game as we, well as a first time player I , have as yet no concept as to what is reality and what is delusion so what may seem strange in reality (the man hitting his head on the wall) in Max's world it may seem quite normal especially if he has been around this kind of behaviour for a while.

As for the graphics I am finding them quite charming and think they add to the creepiness somehow, if this was made today everything would be crystal clear but I think the slight ambiguity helps intensify the confusion surrounding the events. I am glad I wasn't the only one who spent quite a while trying to work out if Max had a ponytail Saying this I am someone who loves a good old pixelated game

Now into the story, I tried to just keep an open mind but couldn't help myself trying to figure it all out

After the first chapter my thoughts were that maybe he did crash and was found by the people at the asylum and taken away by them before anybody else found him and 'tests' were carried out on him; sort of using the people in the asylum like human guinea pigs for whatever reason. Then as the angel came to life I started to wonder just where his mental state actually was.

During the second chapter my mind was wandering all over the place, I will put this into spoilers just to be on the safe side:

At first I thought maybe the children’s parents were taken away by the people at the asylum and the characters we met in the first chapters were the children’s parents. Once I found the bodies in the schoolhouse I then just didn't know what to think! I then started to wonder if maybe Max was Jebbah and his actions caused him to be put away for mental evaluation. Making my way through the pumpkin patch and encountering the pumpkin man I then stared to wonder if this was a delusion or some sort of repressed memory playing itself out in a bizarre way.

So as I get onto chapter three I have a few theories but still totally confused but loving it! I haven't found any of the puzzles too trying yet, I did have a problem with
realising where the secret weapon was
but that’s really it so far.

Overall - Think it’s a fantastic game so far that I hope keeps getting better and definitely very different from anything I've played before. The interface has its pros and cons but it’s not unmanageable. Sorry for the long post but I had catching up to do
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