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Old 07-06-2010, 06:29 AM   #710
Lupin The Third
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Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
I was responding to Owskie's dispute that we'd covered the game extensively. I can't imagine how we could have done any more than we have.

As for why it's being sheltered, I'm certainly not going to offer excuses for the marketing decisions, which are indefensible. But I just don't think it's a priority for the publisher, which has a pretty threadbare PR department and limited resources. I know the game is coming along nicely, and I guess that's where their full attention is going right now.

I still contend that it doesn't much matter what they do now. If they do a proper push with the right materials in the last two or three months before release, that's all that really counts.

But hey, there's still our new preview to look forward to.
Two questions. How does the "direct control" for the 360 work? Based on how it's described I think of Wallace and Grommitt's control scheme with it's "hotspots"....which is you can tell I hate it. Does the 360 control scheme work well?

Also, even if it does work well, can someone from AG ask that they include a classic p & c control option for the 360 version? Monkey Island: SE disproved the claim that point & click can't work on a console controller and I'd MUCH rather play the game with a traditional p&c interface on 360 than some idiotically designed "console-gamers-can't-point-and-click-so-we-came-up-with-this-BS-control-scheme" like W&G. Maybe someone from AG can pass along the fact that those of us who want to play this on the 360 would like an option to switch to the traditional interface. Which would take all of a day for the devs to properly implement.
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