Thread: Three Questions
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Old 06-27-2010, 03:34 PM   #3222
Lee in Limbo
It's Hard To Be Humble
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
You missed the fact that inexperienced women exist too, that putting off dating until one is older is actually better for some people, and that real human beings are so much more complicated than a set of generalised rules would make you expect. Of course, I'll concede that this is probably not the sort of thing Hammy wants (or perhaps needs) to hear right now.
1. Why do so many people lead less exciting lives when they get married and/or have children?
2. At what point in a relationship do you know it's time to end it?
3. Since dating is so fraught with pain and complications, why do people even bother?
1. Compromise.
2. When they're gone.
3. Addiction.
Lee Edward McImoyle,
Smashwords eBooks
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