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Old 05-16-2010, 09:55 AM   #10
Lana Cherin
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 38

Well, I gotta say I didn't enjoy the Trapped Trilogy so much; I got about 1/2 in to episode 2. However, it was, as stated, pretty nicely done as far as some of the production values. The voices were there -- and not just as a gimmick of one or two clips. Must have had a little money behind it. Maybe from the "coffers", as it was quite a Christian game... along with the guns and knives and bloodtrails and...

So, anyway, the reason I'm here, is that I went on to try the Being One series. I use OpenDNS as my primary DNS and they had the site flagged as a phishing risk. Anyone able to verify? Or, better yet, assure to the contrary?

Hoping for the contrary. And meanwhile I'm off to play In Cubation! Thanks.
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