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Old 01-25-2010, 10:52 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by andygeers View Post
1) One of the most common sources of misunderstanding when approaching the Old Testament is precisely the mistake of always reading ourselves into the role of the "hero" - so we read about David & Goliath, and assume that I'm exactly like David and that everything that God does for him God will do for me. And so from a theological standpoint, as well as a gameplay one, I've taken the approach of you playing the role of a bystander (well, not a *mere* bystander, you do affect the story considerably, but I mean someone who is not the hero in the Biblical account). You then have your own story arc that parallels the thrust of the passage.
If you're dead set on adapting biblical stories then that's fair enough, but have you considered making allegorical versions of biblical stories? In the same kind of way the C.S Lewis' Narnia series was? They needn't be fantasy but the use of magic in that particular series was only a way of having miraculous things happen that parallel biblical stories without making them blasphemous (or at least that's the way I've always looked at it, Lewis might have had other ideas).
I'm not nearly as miserable as I appear to be. And I don't mean to argumentative but that's how my conversations tend to seem.
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