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Old 01-07-2010, 10:12 PM   #47
Stalker of Britain
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I hope you guys don't mind if I post some of my (infamous) comments.

I finished Day 1 already-I was excited. lol I don't know if I started playing this game on a bad day or what, but its not nearly as *cough* boring *cough* as I remember. I've gone past the point I had given up earlier, and although I'm not liking it as much as GK2, I'm still going to give it a chance. It's probably going to do a 180 and become meraculious.

I love the beginning credit music; it really adds to the mood. I was also blown away by the "big name actors" they got to voice the main characters, like Tim Curry (who I had known from Muppet Treasure Island) as Gabriel. I didn't even recognize his voice. And the wife from "King of Queens" as Grace, with the famous Luke Skywalker as Detective Mosely! (Who I also didn't recognize, besides the name). Only Grace sounded like the actress I knew.

When I first started playing this, I thought the story was a bit slow (which now I don't think so), and I also thought the narrarator's voice was horrific, and had to turn the voice off. Now I kind of find the charm in it, and don't mind it as much. I must have started playing it earlier on a really bad day.

Without Andrea's awesome guidance, I wouldn't have even known you could go in the back in the shop! There were a few funny lines the narrarator said, like if you try to take Gran's knitting! lol

I'm glad since the graphics are so pixulated, that they show close ups when talking. It looks more realistic, obviously, and gives character to otherwise pixels. I may be a bit dense, but what does MO stand for, when he's talking to Mosely? I ended the chapter (when it gave me back control the next day) with 41 many is the official point list for the day, dear Andrea?

The thing I didn't like about this chapter was how lazy Mosely is with police protocal with Gabriel. Yeah, they're friends, but you shouldn't be able to disreguard so many police rules just because they're friends. I just thought it was a bit too unrealistic to let Gabriel see a lot of confidential things.

My absolute favorite part of this first chapter, without a doubt, was the mime. It was hilarious how he walked behind everybody, and I loved the silly way he'd impersinate (sp?!) Gab's walking.

Am I babbling too much? I apologize. Please tell me if I am, because I just like sharing my thoughts on things, and I don't know if it's boring or not. I really am liking the game so far.
"And everyone's favourite anglophile, Fantasy!"-Intense
Favorite Adventure Games-Lost Crown/Dark Fall 1&2, Longest Journey games, Myst games, Barrow Hill
Favorite Other Games-King's Bounty, Sims 2, Fable, Disciples 2 Gold
Currently Playing-Trine 2
Games I Want-Kings Bounty: Warriors of the North!!!, Asylum, Last Crown, Braken Tor, Testament of Sherlock Holmes
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