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Old 01-07-2010, 12:11 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by AndreaDraco83 View Post
On the other hand, if you want to play the game in Windows, you can use the equally powerful Endroz' Installer for the game, although I don't know if this method is fully compatible with 64bit OS.
Unfortunately, this installer/patch doesn't work on 64-bit; however, if you have a 32-bit XP installation available, I strongly recommend installing it this way. It does a full install to the hard drive and properly fixes all of the timing bugs which can ruin the game on Days 6 and 9, and it's offered a more stable playthrough than even when I originally bought the game back in 1998.

I recently completed a Let's Play of Sins of the Fathers for another website, which ended up giving me a whole new level of respect for this game and for the series as a whole. Something like 85-90% of the information you learn on Voodoo is factual, and the hints to the mystery are so cleverly layered that it really rewards multiple playthroughs once you know what the hell's going on.

One of the things that struck me is that even after more screenshots than you can choke on and dozens of bonus videos, there are still loads of funny and interesting things to show off that I just couldn't possibly get to, and I'm still finding things I never knew about to this day. Sins of the Fathers is an absolute standout of its time and I think every true adventure game fan should give it an unspoiled playthrough if they have the means.
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