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Old 09-16-2009, 05:30 AM   #28
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 62

millenium, yeah I might be a bit harsh, but I don't like forgiving games just because other games make the same mistakes.

Yep, the fact that Redwood was indeed the murderer was one thing I was very disappointed with as well - I was convinced at first that it couldn't be that simple; the guy sitting next on the plane who had a bandage in his hand. I felt insulted after him turning out a villain.

In these kinds of games, just as the Ace Attorney series, I get really frustrated when I would want to have a different approach and solve the case earlier than allowed. I don't enjoy playing dumb just for the sake of the game. It's not fun, and that's why I attack the story in games like these so fiercely.
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