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Old 08-25-2009, 04:25 PM   #1525
Junior Mint
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Posts: 350

Originally Posted by Roper Klacks View Post
Legend was basically an action game, with almost no exploration and puzzle solving, and was ridiculous short and extremely easy and linear.
My Legend experience is completely different from yours. I find there to be plenty of exploration and puzzle-solving so far (I have gotten through Japan), although the puzzles are mostly of the platforming variety and few or no inventory ones. The action scenes are extremely hard, even on "easy".

Unfortunately, just when I finally decided that I love the game, I have run into a game-killing bug, where I can't resume a saved game because the game just crashes. I can't find anyone else on the internet that has the same problem, and there appears to be no way around it. Oh well... perhaps Legend just isn't in the cards for me.

Originally Posted by Fantasysci5 View Post
Okay, dorkiness abound. I've recently started replaying an old favorite game from when I was a kid, called, "The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain". You have to complete tasks using different parts of your brain to help the good doctor, and I just fell in love with the different types of "puzzles" throughout. It's a fun, and slightly educational even though I'm now 19, game. I still have difficulty with the medium level.
I love that series, particularly "The Castle of Dr. Brain."
I'm in my undies. That's... SO not appropriate.
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