Thread: I hate puzzles.
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Old 05-08-2009, 12:20 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Gonzosports View Post
Maybe I should let this go - but I'm trying to find your argument.

You like movies and novels, but would find an interactive movie deathly dull, but a movie with puzzles would be entertaining?

personal choice although my 3 year old enjoys the disney ones. however when i sit at my computer to play an adventure i like to be challenged, when i watch a movie or read a book i want to sit back and be entertained

Is it possible to recognize there are other ways of making a story or game interactive, besides the use of puzzles, ie, along the lines of what some RPGs do with morality choices, linear decisions - would this interest you, or do you need to actually have the turn the keys in the right direction after collections the raft key puzzle to be involved?

that sounds interesting however again that would be a hybrid not an adventure (interactive adventure copyright me as of now lol) again the whole wanting to shoot things or solve things issue is back lol

My major contention is that puzzles are placed in a game at the expense of immersion, they can entertain us, but I think there's less lazy ways to augment immersion and engagament, that there's avenues that would even continue to support the basis of their characters, their motivations and the problem they're facing.

correct however the majority myself included seem to enjoy the puzzle (minus slider) although i dont think anyone turns their nose up at the thought of every puzzle being better integrated to each game. however i think the huge "casual" market stands testament to the fact that the story is to most a bonus that can be lived with or without

I have written way too much on this - mostly because I am passionate about. Too often I get wrapped up in a game, its characters and its world, only to find myself wondering the sense in a particular puzzle showing up.
have you tried the path as i have it but have not bothered to play it yet as alot of what you suggested seems to be included. sounds "deathly dull" imho rofl
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