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Old 10-01-2008, 10:37 AM   #18
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If I can chime in here, I thought it was a pretty funny article, and with some merit. Of course, to take the puzzles out of the context of their respective games only serves to highlight that which the writers wanted to make fun of.
I remember having a good laugh when I got past the yeti in KQV, because it was so ridiculous, yet it made a certain sense.
The cat moustache puzzle was a bit of a brain-bender, but given what you had available at the time, and the direction that Gabriel's activites were going, it also made a certain sense. But I agree with Andrea, that the articles he linked to are a must-read to keep in mind when considering how this puzzle came about.

Of couse, adventure games have come a long way, haven't they? That's the note the article left off with, and I'd like to leave off with a few examples of my own from newer games.

Runaway: making peanut butter. Also, making "sunglasses."

Culpa Innata: making wax.

Still Life: baking cookies.

There's something about recipes in newer games that future developers would do well to stay away from. And there's a lot that these older games have to offer that future developers could learn from. The fact that we're still talking about these games says volumes, while many newer games are coming out that will be quickly forgotten.
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