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Old 09-14-2008, 06:02 PM   #32
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 11

I was a single mom in the mid-90s when my parents got us the first Myst game. I told the kids one Friday night that I'd install it that night and we'd play it the next day.

So after they were in bed I installed it ... and decided to just take a peek at the game to be sure it was working right, etc. Next thing I knew it was 3 a.m. and I was hooked!

The next day I was so excited to get to share this with the kids (ages 11 down to 2). We'd sit huddled around my computer (toddler on my knee, two older boys ages 11 and 9 taking turns with the clicking) and would eagerly shout instructions at whomever had the mouse at the time. "Go left!" "Click on that wheel!"

Those were special times playing that game together, all five of us fascinated by the scenes on the screen. We still have the spiralbound notebook where we were scribbling hints and strategies as we tried to figure out this unique game.

We've shared bits and pieces of all the Myst games since, but nothing quite like those early episodes playing Myst when it was new. Definitely highlights of an otherwise sometimes lonely time period for me.
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