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Old 06-05-2008, 04:56 AM   #10
Dungeon Master
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Originally Posted by Ninja Dodo View Post
If this manages to combine the action of Bond/Bourne with the substance of Spy Game without trying too hard to be 'cinematic', I'm in.
This is off-topic, but while the Bourne franchise is rightly acclaimed for its action pieces, I thought it was exceptionally written, especially the last film. There may not be a lot of "substance", but what there is is dealt with in a both mature* and smart** way.

*Not a single character felt to me like a carboard cut-out put there just to drive the plot forward, for example.
**The sudden recontextualizing a scene from one of the previous films gets - no spoilers! - caught me completely by surprise, and is my most jaw-dropping moment in any 2007 film.

So, to pretend the above wasn't off-topic after all , if Alpha Protocol is anything like The Bourne Ultimatum (and with lead designers like these, it easily could be), I am buying it, even if that means it favours action over intrigue.
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