Thread: Culpa Innata
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Old 03-26-2008, 05:46 AM   #14
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 3

I gave up on playing Culpa Innata after about day 4 of the investigation due to an intense feeling of boredom playing the game. The game was supposed to be a murder mystery, and yet the first few hours of the game sees the player travelling around and question people (with the conversations being irritatingly cut short due to an artificial feeling time constraint), no crime scene to investigate, no evidence to analyse, no autopsy report or anything of interest, just mundane questioning of people. The game was also supposed to be a Sci Fi vision of the future, so why present the player with an ancient monastery as the opening location in the game? The only thing that felt sci fi in the game (up to where I got to) were the door security hologram things, which only amounted to more mundane conversations. The PDA was nothing more than a diary and inventory management screen already present in plenty of other games.

The "selfish" culture that society had developed in the future was an interesting concept, however to me it just came across as a more extreme concept of capatilism present in today's society. To me it didn't present a believable argument that by people pursuing personal greed, selfishness and dispensing with meaningful relationships that this would somehow erradicate crime! If anything a society built upon those values would just see an increase of jealousy and crime against individuals.

Overall, I'm sure Culpa Innata would have gotten better as the story developed, but only the most patient of people are willing to play through a game that offers no hook or interest from the beginning. I also found the main character to be extremely aggravating, especially when gossiping with her best friend, the way she talked to her she sounded like a mother lecturing a child. Finally, I'm not sure if this problem was particular to my computer setup, or was just a sign of the mediocre graphics, but the game had a constant grainy look to it that would give me a headache after about 30 minutes of playing. This was especially apparent when first heading outdoors, the sky had all of these grainy black dots shimmering in it.

Anyways, my first post to this forum and starting with a rant. I had to get that off my chest! I'm glad some people liked this game, seems like quite a few share my thoughts as well though. Hopefully the next game from this mob will make some attempt to engage the player before they lose interest.
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