Thread: 3d modelling
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Old 03-27-2004, 12:31 AM   #20
Doctor Watson
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Originally Posted by Ninja Dodo
Isn't that all scripting based? ...not really a very artistic way of working. Don't get me wrong, scripting has its uses and can kick ass in the hands of technically minded people, but if you want to learn how to model you should steer well clear of that kinda stuff.... not to mention it would be a nightmare to learn as a newbie.

Correct me if I'm wrong though... that's what I heard.
Check here.

I use a little tool called sPatch to create more complex Povray object - like the ashtray in the Curves Teaser site. I like script-baes programs. Their learning curve isn't as steep - strange keyboard combinations etc. aren't needed - you can just copy & paste sample code and see how it works. Tha's not even possible with visual modellers - though there's probably not much need for that either...
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