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Old 11-17-2007, 11:49 AM   #29
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As Lucien21 has noted, you'll receive more for your money when you buy it in retail, with this in mind, are you sure it would be a good idea to keep same price as in stores, Damon, instead of just lowering it by a dollar or two to make your site more attractive?

Also concerning indie developers, how much in percentage would the base-deal be per game if you would get a game up at Adventure Shop?

With bundled packs of games, would the price be lower, like 1 game would be lets say 15 dollars, 2 would be 25, or would there be some sort of other perks following?

Lets say a game here in Denmark costs what would be 10 dollars because it is getting semi-old in retail and hasn't sold that good, would you as an online distributor then follow that price or would you keep prices the same as when you first got the game up?

Last but not least, thank you for providing this service, hopefully I will be a customer myself in the near future if the prices are reasonable.
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