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Old 09-06-2007, 08:16 AM   #3
Crunchy in milk
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Another rpg that gets nods from adventure gamers is Anachronox.

The story is excellent (its got punch and is cinematically delivered), especially some of the more 'unique' characters.

Its not a completely fun ride though, you have to be able to stomach the battle system which is dyed in the wold "Japanese RPG" fare. By that I mean you wait around a lot for the pretty animations every single round, over and over, your guys, theirs, again and again.

The animations are quite fun to start with but by their very 'in your face' frequency you will always be itching for the next skill/weapon upgrade both for a new animation to (briefly) break the monotony and to quench your desire for faster battles. Set it on easy difficulty, the story is worth the slog alone.

I would also recommend cheating for the sake of the 'character panel' debugger. Its basically the same as party management in Knights of the Old Republic. A very easy to use graphical interface to swap party members in and out of the 2 (you and 2 tag alongs) slots as and when you want to, rather than backtracking across planets just to change your guys... it seems like a feature that got cut its so easy to use. You only really need to do this late in the game though.

I played Anachronox for the first time earlier this year twice in a row back to back and am already starting to itch for another playthrough.

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