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Old 07-17-2007, 05:24 AM   #21699
Dungeon Master
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Originally Posted by Jazhara7 View Post
I had one day realised that when you're in southern Australia (south of the tropic of Capricorn), the sun is standing in the North, and in some parts of Australia, depending on the time of year the sun will be standing in the north or the south (if you're north of the tropic of Capricorn, but south of the Equator. To be sure, I asked the teacher if that was right. He started a whole discussion to find out the truth, and came to the conclusion that the sun is *always* in the south no matter where on the globe you are. Yeah. Even if you're in Antarctica, at the south pole, I'm sure. So the teacher is a thickhead, so used to facts that might only apply to a certain area, that he isn't able to use his brain and simple logic. And the other students are thickheads too, because they also didn't use their brains. But if anyone of them actually did use their brain, then they didn't rais their voice, making them a coward. The only thing that is a fact all over the world (except maybe the poles, because you can't really determine more than one direction of the compass if you're standing at the pole. But seriously, how often are you standing at the poles in your life?) is that the sun rises in the East, and sets in the West. If that's not the case, something is severely wrong.
Well, strictly speaking, the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West only twice a year, on Equinoxes. Whereas eg. now in July, the rise and set are observed north of those directions. (And that is true everywhere on the planet, only how far north of them varies considerably. Somewhere over the rainbow close enough from the North/South Pole, it technically should both rise and set exactly in the North, and it's beyond that latitude that polar day/night, respectively, is being observed at the moment.)

You were totally right in what you told your teacher, though.
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