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Old 02-14-2007, 02:23 PM   #1
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Default Help with Neverhood

Hello everyone! If you haven't played the game please don't read any further 'cause there are spoilers ahead. I would appreciate your help with this one 'cause Neverhood is the coolest game I have ever played (and I've played a lot ).
I cannot differentiate the radio "song" I'm suppose to find with a red arrow in the yellow house - everything sounds the same to me . I've heard the "song" I'm trying to find when driving in my "Klaymobile" screeching from the radio there. I've looked at the walkthrough (yes, unfortunately)and I seem to be doing everything right except the main thing - cannot find the right song, thus the door stay closed...

I'm feeling a bit frustrated now...I've even dreamt the screeching last night...LOL. If anyone can help me, I would be forever grateful.
It would be a shame to stop playing (especially since everyone says it's an easy game - no for me obviously ) since I have wanted to play this game for such a long time and I've finally managed to get my hands on it...

Last edited by Kurufinwe; 02-14-2007 at 04:03 PM. Reason: Fix spoiler tags
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