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Old 02-09-2007, 08:07 AM   #34
Crunchy in milk
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Originally Posted by Putrid Moldyman View Post
Jade Empire was Bioware's least inspired game. I thought it was a mess.
I can certainly see they wanted to go even more epic but what's there is still a great game. Hardly uninspiring. JE is rich with characters and villains right out of chinese classical literature (they're almost cut and pasted from Journey to the west & Outlaws of the marsh). It even has a cheesy kotor/sixth sense plot twist. The main story arc is suitably epic and the crunch decision (a terrible bioware standard) is gutsy this time because the 'bad' decision makes the most logical sense.

Even with the aging engine theres still stunning fist loads of visual splender, both in level details (architecture) and character designs.

Where the game fell short I felt was in the fighting styles. To be fair its bioware's first try at real time combat. They got the looks right but balance of powers was rather awkward which is terrible given the rock-scissors-paper format they used. The game can be far too easy or far too hard without changing the difficulty setting. Just based on the fighting styles you coose to hone.

A great, if a little disjointed (cut material?) story, excellent 'classical' characters, visually rich game with an adequate if a bit wonky combat/training/item system. Theres plenty in JE to enjoy and make the prospects of any sequel exciting.

My PAL version never crashed despite a hefty 150+ hours (~5 play throughs). I would recommend regular save game 'trimming' on the xbox version. Too many saves can slow down the menus and autosaving.

Chapter 3 is hardly the end at all. The story just starts to focus more as you become trapped in yet another bioware sole saviour story. And the fightin dial cranks up to 11. If you participate in the later arena stages in chapter 3 (optional) its good preparation.
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