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Old 01-31-2007, 08:18 AM   #2125
is not wierd
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Originally Posted by Junkface View Post
I greatly dislike Lost in Translation. Seems to me like a greatly inferior imitation of In the Mood for Love with a less interesting version of Bill Murray's character from Rushmore awkwardly slotted in. I also remember the portrayal of culture shock seeming somewhat forced and disingenious. I think Christopher Doyle (I believe in one god, the imagist, the almighty, lenser of Hero and Fallen Angels) called it one of the most immoral films he's ever seen. Maybe I just dislike woman directors.
1. It's not really In the Mood For Love at all. And I love In the Mood For Love. Superficially, maybe.

2. Bill Murray's character in Rushmore and in LiT are not that similar, either. Rushmore-Murray was an immature manchild. LiT-Murray was an older man struggling with a failing marriage and fading career. Also, it probably doesn't need to be said but I think both characters were created specifically to reflect, in diffferent sahdes, the Bill Murray persona. I believe quite a bit of LiT was improvised, anyway.

3. Immoral? I think you have to look at the film as it is from the perspectives of the principle characters. We see a Japan that is weird and memorably quirky because that's what stands out to the displaced Americans. What do you think they'll remember in years' time? Probably everything we saw in the movie. They poke fun at the Japanese not in condescension but in sort-of sad inside jokes, because they have nothing else to latch onto, or talk about. Even so, we see Charlotte, a little more artistic and contemplative, clearly affected by her trips outside Tokyo, and we do see some truly beautiful aspects of Japanese culture...but of course we see it as outsiders looking in. I dunno, I've felt like that many times even without being in a totally different country; as an emotional narrative it's easily one of the most affecting movies I've seen.
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