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Old 01-20-2007, 12:47 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Melanie68 View Post
And that will be the last word publicly. Continue in private if need be.
Party pooper

I'm kind of tired of games trying to be movies. I read somewhere that during the 90s movies tried to be videogames and in the 2000s games try to be like movies. It's just plain sad. Games will never be movies and vice-versa. I get a bigger kick from playing old stuff like Fallout or something like that than games like Call of Duty that just try too hard to be like Enemy at the Gates or Saving Private Ryan.

However, if you look at examples such as Half-Life 2, you can see that these two worlds are perfectly manageable if you keep it fun and not too obvious. Half-Life 2 managed this because the new effects fit perfectly into the game. Grenades blowing next to you make you go deaf. Ok, we saw that on SPR, but it's not too flashy, it fits well. I want that. MORE
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