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Old 12-29-2006, 10:54 AM   #14952
Creepy Father Figure
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Originally Posted by stepurhan View Post
You have no idea how much grief the money laundering regulations bring into my work. They have no de minimis limit

de minimis is a technical term meaning, "if it's below this amount don't worry about it" Under money laundering rules not only is a 1p problem technically reportable (say a shopkeeper gives 1p under in change) but theoretically if I could reasonably be aware of it and don't report it I could actually go to prison.

Truly the law is a ass. (not a typo. That's how Dickens wrote it)
I understand a little since the new regulations caused by the Enron debacle hit the plant I work at a few years back. We are not allowed any fluidity in our stock counts whatsoever due to the fact we are a public company. We have to account for every cylinder housing (I work in an aluminum machining department for Briggs and Stratton) and there is hell to pay if our scrap/finished parts count do not add up to the stock used/stored count.
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