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Old 09-30-2006, 04:34 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Jat316sob View Post
So, I went out for coffee with my new acquaintance today (well, I the consummate Brit had tea) and it was okay. It slowly morphed into more than just coffee and I gradually began to feel more uncomfortable.
This was the first time I was speaking to him just one on one, and without the benefit of alcohol, so I was already a little nervous at the outset.
The conversation went quite nicely, but then he started saying things which gave me the impression he "liked" me, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. Now I'm probably being a little presumptuous in saying that, and I'm anything but an expert in reading signals, but still that's how I felt. He gave me compliments, that through the fact they were patently untrue, were quite transparent. Then he started suggesting we do things together, like go for dinner, and I could feel my anxiety levels steadily rising.
So I agreed to go to a movie with him, in my mind at least there wouldn't be any talking for a couple of hours. He insisted on buying my ticket. We saw the new Adam Sandler film, which was fairly poor, I've never been an Adam Sandler fan anyway, but performances from Henry Winkler and Christopher Walken went some way towards saving it.
So after the film he suggested getting something to eat, and I was starving, and Pizza Hut was right there, so I agreed. The damn "please wait to be seated" woman stuck us at the smallest two person table there. We had to sit opposite each other, which really isn't the best arrangement in that circumstance, either I had to stare right at him, or quite obviously turn to avoid his gaze. Dinner just raised my level of discomfort, and I couldn't wait for it to end.

He's a really nice guy, and I wouldn't mind being friends with him, but through his actions (albeit well-meaning) I just feel uncomfortable around him, which can only have negative consequences. I need to feel at ease with the people I'm around.

I could be misreading him, but I think we're on different wavelengths, and of course the situation raises the whole "When Harry Met Sally" question.

Anyway, congratulations if you read through all that, I wonder how interesting it was to anyone who isn't me, but now you get rewarded with the most interesting part of the night...

I was harassed by a tramp! That's right, a bum, a hobo, a vagrant, some filthy gutter rat!

We were walking along, when this jittery, dishevelled "man" clutching a carrier bag blocked our path on the pavement. I adjusted my route to go around it, then it approached us started rambling incoherently and asking for money. I'm sure it was whacked out on crack or something, I refused eye contact, ignored it, and kept walking, now at a brisk pace. At this point it gave chase and began getting abusive in its tone, demanding that I give it an answer! Just imagine it! I was most perturbed and had no intention of acknowledging this contemptible creature! It would not leave us alone, and I did begin to fear for my safety, I was thankfully in a well lit area, but these junkies are unpredictable. I could have been mugged, or stabbed! I finally managed to escape it by stepping out into traffic, but before I did it had the nerve to accuse me of lacking etiquette! Me, can you believe it! So after that, I'll admit, I was left feeling a little shaken up, not to mention infuriated. Where were the damn police? In the good old days these people would be locked up, or shot. It's time these damn scum were cleared of the streets so good law abiding citizens such as myself can traverse the public highways without being molested or fearing for ones well-being!

Oh, and one thing I forgot to add to my last entry, I don't understand people who order generic drinks. Of the people I was with last night, I heard orders coming from them like "vodka & Coke." I mean, who does that!? If you order like that you're just going to get the crap from the well. You request "Absolut & Coke" or "Smirnoff & Coke" or "Stoli & Coke" or "Grey Goose & Coke" (although that last one would be a waste of good vodka.) Strange people... *shakes head*
Aww, you poor thing, sorry to hear you had such a bad time. So whats the latest news on this new guy? He madly in love, yet?

"If you don't get out of the box you've been raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is." - Angelina Jolie


<Susan falls through the floor and gets stuck>
<Paco looks at her blankly>
"Whats wrong with you?! Lassy would of had a firetruck here by now!"
- Susan Mayer, Desperate Housewives
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