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Old 09-10-2006, 07:22 PM   #35
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 32

Beautiful game! It´s good to see an independent serious adventure game. Not that i don´t like comedy games like Monkey Island and Sam &´s just that there are too many of them out there...
Speaking about a talkie version...i think you should consider it seriously.Ok,good actors who work for free don´t simply ring your door bell,but it´s not impossible to find them.
I beleive you should at least audition some people and give it a try.You could have two versions of the demo talkie and non-talkie.People would be able to play through both of them and provide some feedback as to wich version they liked better.Since the demo should be considerably shorter than the actual game,it wouldn´t be so difficult to add the voices to it.
We could have some sort of survey or competition for the voices! People would vote for the voice samples and the fans would determine wich voices should be suited for every given character in the game!
Now that´s democracy!
How about that?
bolseiro is offline