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Old 05-18-2006, 12:19 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
I would say that is true. I attribute the 10% to my adamant insistance on some subjects of note in which, if they appear in topics, I turn to a feisty, hissy bitch. Oh yes.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
The amount I flee into the realms of the surreal to achieve mental orgasm, I'd say, yes, this is fairly accurate. I love to reduce things to a core concept. I'm proud of me when I can find those in, say, characters (in freeform roleplay - not in books or movies, where those concepts are often far too clear) or real people. It's a hobby.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
I know for a fact I find my intellect to be decided too huge for comfort. I could do with less, honestly, for two reasons. Firstly, trying to think of things rationally is depressing. Secondly, I would like to learn the art of boredom, and the ability not to think of things. My brain is always busy with some problem or other (regardless what topic), and it PISSES ME OFF that I can't just kick back and relax and stare at the ceiling and aquire nirvana.


I guess my point is, for those of you who get a low rating, you're missing zilch.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
I am leo. Hear me roar.

Actually, I detest lions. I'd rather be a hyena.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Dutifulness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Higher. Sadly. It almost ruined my life, and it's called workaholism. But, I'm teaching myself not to push myself so much. Slowly. It's painful, because I don't have a way of knowing what's a healthy level of "time out" and what's too much. Right now, I probably claim too much for that purpose, but I reckon it'll be the only way to teach myself.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 58%
I'd adjust that to 50%. I have perfectionism when others don't. Meaning, I am perfectionist about my own things, and I will lead (and whip) a team if I must, but if someone else leads the team, I have no urge whatsoever to do more than I'm told to.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 54%
I'd say I'm very stable, as long as I'm not confronted with more than one catastrophe a week. This week is one of those weeks where I had a catastrophe happen to me - yesterday, in fact - and it's left me worn and wary, to the point of having burst into tears at completely harmless criticism earlier today. I apologised for my reaction, and it had no further consequences - but it was completely out of place, and I know where it came from.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Social Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean - how much I try to influence people? I won't comment my rating here yet - could someone tell me what it means so I can?

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Liveliness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Spot-on. Not more, not less.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Independence ||||||||||||||| 50%
Also spot-on.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Anxiety ||||||||||||||| 46%
I'd say this is probably a bit too high - though, on second thought, at the moment, with me trying to re-sort my life, that might be true. I'm not as surefooted as usual.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Sensitivity |||||||||||| 38%
Probably higher. Hard to say. I feel this is more a thing other people should say about me.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Tension |||||||||||| 38%
I'm not sure where the difference between this and Anxiety is supposed to be on practical levels, so again, no comment.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Warmth ||||||||| 22%
Very true. My friendship and love is mostly a rational-supportative one. A rough fourth/fifth is fuzzy warm emotional appreciation.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Paranoia ||| 10%
I'd almost say 0%. I'm misanthropic, but not because I believe people are inheritely evil or untrustworthy. Au contraire - I believe people inheritely good and trustworthy (and have never been disappointed). I'm misanthropic because I believe people believe other people to be inheritely evil or untrustworthy.

Originally Posted by pinkgothic
Introversion ||| 10%
I have a big gob, I'll hand it that. I have serious issues not saying things that are relevant to a subject - especially in topics such as sexuality it's an effort for me trying to figure out what might or might not offend others if I said it upfront.
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