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Old 02-27-2006, 06:39 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 7
Default New Game: Forgotten Element

For as long as anybody can remember the good people of Seahorse Island had lived a blissfully simple life.

A place where nothing unexpected ever happened, a place where everybody knew everybody else’s name. Beyond the fishermen and traders that sailed the surrounding seas, Seahorse Island folk didn’t concern themselves much with the outside world.

Visitors were looked at with suspicion, but welcomed none-the-less. The strangers brought with them tales of fantasy and myth, but the people of Seahorse Island had no time for superstitious nonsense. As sure as the waking sun would follow the sleeping sun, things would always be as they would appear to be.

But soon, a chain of events will begin that will thrust the inhabitants of Seahorse Island into an age of uncertainty and fear.

One day the trees and crops began to wither in spite of an abundance of rain to nourish them. Slowly, the grain reserves began to dwindle, and no seed would take purchase in the sterile soil. Yet still the rains fell desperately. The brightest minds of Seahorse Island tried in vain to offer an explanation, let alone a solution, and murmurs of a famine and a coming apocalypse began to emanate from every corner of the island. Hope was beginning to fade.

Until one day, the island doctor happened upon a small wood which, unlike the world around it, was still in summer bloom. In the centre of the flourishing wood lay a girl, curled up asleep in the roots of a dying tree... It transpires she could be the key to everything. But is she the cure, or the cause?

Coming 2006


The Forgotten Element will be released in three acts of the adventure, the complete three act game will be comparable in length to commercial point-and-clicks.

The demo will feature the entire prologue of the game.

All Art, Scripting, Music & Story by CaptainBinky & Lemmy101


Prologue completion:

Final Art 15%
Placeholder art: 100%
Scripting 100%
Dialogue / Story 100%
Plug-ins 50%
Music 50%
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