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Old 12-11-2005, 02:59 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Josho
I don't think there has been a single professional, working adventure game designer more supportive and proactive in the fangame community as I've been, Cesar, and from AGD to Colin and others, I have never tried to quash anyone's creativity -- my intentions have been to facilitate fangames in general, to help where possible, and to encourage talented teams such as yours to exercise originality. As for the disrespect issue, my feelings were (and still are) that IF a fangame is going to promote itself specifically as the next game in the series (as the title “KQ IX” did) -- which virtually states that the game is a direct and quasi-official inheritor of the series’ label -- that it should not rewrite canon. This is a marketing issue, not a content issue, since the solution is not to change the content (and I never suggested any such changes), but to very slightly alter the marketing. This not only gives one "clean hands" as far as the canon issues go, and eliminates the possibility of disrespect (back when Roberta had refused to give you a thumbs-up or thumbs-down on your content), but also makes the owners of the copyright less likely to exercise their legal rights.

I can vouch for Josh on this one, I've heard nothing but positivity and lovely comments about Josh from Colin (SQ7) and the AGDs. Judging on how he actually helps with fan games and actually sticks around the community is enough to prove that he cares about the genre and the fans of it. And that he has no intention (mind me saying) of 'pissing on another persons party'.

"If you don't get out of the box you've been raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is." - Angelina Jolie


<Susan falls through the floor and gets stuck>
<Paco looks at her blankly>
"Whats wrong with you?! Lassy would of had a firetruck here by now!"
- Susan Mayer, Desperate Housewives
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