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Old 12-06-2005, 08:02 PM   #17
Retired Buccaneer
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Your point doesn't hold too much weight, I'm afraid: the original KQ6 disk version intro for PC is pretty much the same as the PC CD-ROM version intro in content.

The major differences are:
-speech read by actors in the PC CD (during the floppy intro, it's read by Sierra employees, I think)
-Valanice and Alex are standing when they first talk on the floppy version instead of sitting
-A small phrase of narrative commentary on Alex's longing for Cassima is cut in the floppy version, as is the pan down from the chandelier to Alex's head
-The CD intro focuses on seagulls for about 30 seconds before cutting to Alex's ship; the floppy version doesn't
-The shots of the ship and the sea are much uglier in the floppy intro

So as far as I know, all versions of KQ6 have pretty much the same content in the intro, except for the Mac port and the EGA-mode text narrative.

I could post screenshots, but it's getting late. Sierra used to distribute the KQ6 floppy intro as a rolling demo of sorts, but I think it's entirely gone from the Internet now.

EDIT: I was wrong - should have what you need to see the KQ6 floppy intro. Just download the KQ6 self-extracting .exe files to the directory you want the demo files to go in. Also, there may be some stuttering of animation, but it's playable.

Last edited by ATMachine; 12-06-2005 at 08:22 PM.
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