Thread: KQIII review
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Old 11-24-2005, 11:43 PM   #2
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Glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted by Kurufinwe
And the conclusion on the interweaving of story and puzzles was spot on, at least for graphic adventures (I'm sure someone will be terribly outraged because you forgot to mention that this or that Infocom IF did the same thing years earlier ).
I thought about that as I was writing it. The stories being told in IF at the same time were certainly more complex. I know there were a lot of IF fans who thought graphic adventures were a huge step backwards. I think it took a while for developers to get the hang of how to tell a story through pictures and action, rather than through words. King's Quest III isn't the perfect specimen, by any means, but it was the first step in the right direction.

Originally Posted by Kurufinwe
Oh, and what were you referring to when you wrote:
Originally Posted by fov
One particular (and crucial) item is even worse than a pixel hunt—you literally can't see it...
The key to the cupboard in Manannan's study, which is hidden on top of the wardrobe in his bedroom. I looked all over that thing - under, inside, behind, etc. Nothing in the graphic, or the text, gave me any clue that I should look on top of it. And I already knew it was hidden in the wardrobe somewhere! I don't know how someone new to the game would find it.
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