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Old 10-19-2005, 09:30 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
My problem with him is that he spends far too much energy shooting his mouth off about how great these games are gonna be and how fabulous he is that he thought them up. I'd prefer he keep a low profile for a while and actually make the games first? Say, some very nicely done tech demos, screenshots, teaser know, actual progress?
Well, for The Orgastic 4 they've released two screenshots, two tech demos (character animations), two music samples (plus several bits of concept art)... For i-jet they've released two music samples and seven casting videos... For A Whispered Wor[l]d they've released several screenshots and a demo... Do those count?

Yeah, BBE has dicked around the community, but I'm still willing to give them a chance if they ever actually publish anything.
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