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Old 10-08-2005, 09:15 PM   #94
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Not material to any legal question
But it will be material in the fiscal question where Venvedi suffers. It was really not only a mean move but a stupid move on their part. You are right about the legal part, and that was the point of my post.

Look, there is more than life than the law. People will find ways around the law. If Venvedi wants to break the unwritten law and play cheap, then the creators of KQIX can just rename characters and change things around and play cheap that way. The issue here isn't the law, that can be circumvented. It is the character and morality of Venvedi, which will always show through, and there is no circumventing that...and when it comes time to cash in dollars it will show.

My advice to the creators is to lower themselves to the level of Venvedi and follow only the law, not the spirit of the law, play cheap, because that's no worse than what their opponents are doing. Once your opponents have decided to play cheap you don't have to uphold chivalry and knighthood, just freaking rename the characters and tell them to go to h*ll.
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