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Old 09-14-2005, 01:18 PM   #309
Join Date: Dec 2004
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I preferred Lost Highway. Mulholland Drive felt "cheap" to me, but perhaps I need to give it another chance. Anyhow, a movie fan should at least be able to see the failings in their favourite films! I know I can... although I'll still argue like a bastard about it.

I just finished Alexander; The Directors Cut this afternoon (three for two offer, in case anyone thinks I've seen an insane amount of movies in a day)... I'm noting my current storyboard and am damn tired... Alexander was a good background film and actually had me sit down for a bit to watch it. Oliver Stone's much maligned-movie isn't half as bad as people say it is, and the irish accents performed by Val Kilmer and Colin Farrell's own natural twang are as easily forgiveable as if they were talking in broad American.

In fact, I'd say it's pretty good and makes me want to see the theatrical version (longer). It's really brave for a mainstream Hollywood film and deals with Alexanders barely repressed homosexuality quite well... a lot of the more intimate moments are with men, particularly a slave and his best friend Hephaistion, even though he enjoys a roll with a gorgeous barbarian girl played by the well-endowed (and HOW) Rosario Dawson. Even though you pretty much see the consummation of that particular relationship more than any of the homosexual affairs, it's still incredibly upfront about it for such an expensive film.

The cinematography is gorgeous, the flavour-of-the-month huge battles have more character than some recent movies (lovely use of a track across the armies with an eagle at the beginning), the effects are well-done and the acting is hammy but fits like a glove into its aura of opulence. The only REAL thing that pissed me off was the incredibly bad synth music. Sometimes it really worked, but most of the time its made-for-bad-TV cheapness really worked against the movie. The ending also seemed to just "arrive"... well, they couldn't have done it any other way, but it also tied in with the love of his best friend, so it didn't matter too much.

Better than it should be.
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