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Old 07-15-2005, 10:12 AM   #450
Ale! And keep 'em coming!
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Originally Posted by squarejawhero
I've never been so disappointed with an animation before. Atlantis had so much promise, yet was so bad... like how they glossed over the deaths of the sailors in a matter of seconds... I've got the artbook. Mignola of Hellboy did a lot of the design work, so it's even more depressing that the film ended up the way it did.
Funny, I loved the movie.

Originally they intended to add a lot more stuff to the movie...but then somebody said: "Guys, remember the movie has to be about 80-90 minutes long."

I guess they were not excited either.

Originally the scene where they honour the dead was not in either. They were supposed to be attacked by the ferocious Squid-Bats (yes, Squid-Bats), when having emerged from the "U-Bend". Then they would run into the Tunnel-Beast (which is still seen, when they accidentally take the wrong path, but this doesn't take too long). Then they realized that that wouldn't leave the audience time to breathe, and make a pretty boring movie. So they instead made the scene with the honouring of the dead (and think about it...It's *Rourke* who commands them to move on. It's the kind of thing you expect from Rourke.)

- "esc(x) cot(x) dx = -csc(x)!" Dennis added, and the wizard's robe caught on fire. "Gosh," Dennis said, "and some people say higher math isn't relevant."

>>>Inventor of the Mail order-Assassin<<<

And *This* a Black Hole - BYE!
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